Monthly Archive for July, 2001

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No Extension for Ivy Landfill

State environmental regulators have denied the Rivanna Solid Waste Authority‘s application for an extension on the life of the Ivy Landfill. They’ll have to refuse trash from industrial customers beginning September 1st. The story is from WINA.

Steve Keene’s Online

Charlottesville’s most productive artist left town a few years ago, but now you can find him on-line. Yup, Steve Keene is now selling on-line. What’s especially cool is that you don’t get to pick out your painting — you can buy a small painting for $8, or a large one for $12. Some things never change.

Train Derails on 10th Street

One car from a train derailed this morning. It rolled from the 10th Street train yard to the Carlton/Meade crossing, landing on its side. CSX officials have learned that some folks were trespassing on CSX property last night, and it’s possible that they released the brake. The derailment was apparently intentional, a security mechanism to prevent runaway train cars from crossing roads. WINA has more info.

Urinating Man Loses Fingertip…

…but the two aren’t necessarily related. After last night’s Scottsville fireworks (which were quite good, IMHO), 24-year-old Steven Campbell was relieving himself in the parking lot when he was attacked by several men. One of the men bit off the tip 1/3 of Campbell’s left ring finger. So if you see a white male in his early 20s with an extra fingertip, let the Albemarle County police know about it. The story is from WINA.

Post Reviews Mall

The Washington Post had an extensive write-up about the Downtown Mall this weekend. Author Caroline Kettlewell speaks quite highly of our Mall, praising landmarks like Mudhouse, McGuffey, Chaps and Mark’s Hotdogs, and seems to have especially enjoyed Fridays After Five. Quite satisfyingly, she describes the Mall as “thriving and vibrant,” and “decidedly happening,” something that nobody rational could have said just a few years back. Yay us.
