Urinating Man Loses Fingertip…

…but the two aren’t necessarily related. After last night’s Scottsville fireworks (which were quite good, IMHO), 24-year-old Steven Campbell was relieving himself in the parking lot when he was attacked by several men. One of the men bit off the tip 1/3 of Campbell’s left ring finger. So if you see a white male in his early 20s with an extra fingertip, let the Albemarle County police know about it. The story is from WINA.

3 Responses to “Urinating Man Loses Fingertip…”

  • BurntHombre says:

    If I decided to attack some man who was urinating in a public place, I think the last thing (or second-to-last thing) I would bite would be his fingers. Uck!

  • Munk says:

    Um…. that is so totally horrifying.

  • will says:

    I’ll bet it wasn’t so much an assault as it was some bizarre fetish thing that I would really rather not know about. : )

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