Orange County Goes Tech

This is in the satire category because it’s almost unreal. Orange County supervisors have just spent $15,000 to get themselves outfitted with laptops. They come with, according to the Progress, “dial-up modems and a CD-ROM.” They hope that the laptops will streamline things. Currently they have to be physically given packets of paper prior to each meeting. Now, in a huge leap for efficiency, they’ll be physically given floppy disks. Says the board chairman Roderic Slayton, “Initially there’s some expense, but I think that in the long haul it’s going to save the county money.” The article goes on to say that Supervisor Sonny Dodson has been using his new $1,800 laptop to play solitaire, while Supervisor Grover Wilson became quite frustated with his. Albemarle County spokeswoman Lee Catlin, quick to play catch-up, says that Albemarle is looking to move to an electronic medium, too. One hopes they’ll avoid the teletype.

2 Responses to “Orange County Goes Tech”

  • Lars says:

    What? When did Orange county get electricity?

  • Anonymous says:

    All the Albemarle elected politicians already are on-line at their own expense. That’s good and it should stay that way. They also pay their own phone bills and they do plenty of BOS yaking on the phone.

    You say that Lee Catlin says that Albemarle is looking to move to an electronic medium, too. What baloney! I’ve been exchanging e-mail with the Sups for years. She knows this is nothing new. “Moving to an electronic medium” is just a euphemism for spending tax dollars to make the bosses happy. So now they’ll get laptops courtesy of the taxpayers! l wonder if their meetings will ever be live on line? If that happens then maybe the sups will also be on line during the meetings. That would be just great for the folks who really influence them. Then they can just e-mail them during the meetings and tell them how to vote!

    Kevin Cox

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