Horn-Honking Protesters Ticketed

Today’s Progress reports that Charlottesville police have begun to issue tickets for “excessive horn-honking” to drivers on West Main that are honking to support living wage protesters at the Marriott. Section 46.2-1060 of the Virginia Code says that it is illegal “to use a horn otherwise than as a reasonable warning,” so it appears that the police are legally correct. Protester Nicholas Graber-Grace (arrested for trespassing at The Omni quite recently) says that “this is a form of speech, people expressing their discontent and desire for justice.”

2 Responses to “Horn-Honking Protesters Ticketed”

  • will says:

    Oh, give me a break. That’s absolutely ridiculous. Sure, it may be against the law, but the purpose of laws are to keep people from hurting one another and whatnot, and this certainly doesn’t cause anyone any harm, so why should they be ticketed? This is just stupid, and I suggest that the C’ville police find something better and more helpful to do with their time.

  • Jinkster says:

    If you consider one of the biggest draws of C-ville as being its “high quality of life”, then the honking as a quality of life crime could diminish the quaint appeal of the town, discourage repeat tourism and decrease local revenue. That seems to be enough of an argument to discourage the noise pollution…

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