Ice Park Dispute

The two owners of the Charlottesville Ice Park are arguing over the future of the facility. Lee Danielson wants to shut it down, telling the Progress that “the ice park should have closed down long ago. Economically, it has not worked.” But business partner Colin Rolph said that “the ice park is not going to be closed. It would be a huge loss to downtown. It’s still there, and it’s just fine, and it’s not going to be closed.” Regarding Danielson’s comments, he said that “Lee is basically not part of Charlottesville anymore.” Jack Mooney has an extensive story in today’s Progress.

2 Responses to “Ice Park Dispute”

  • Waldo says:

    I hate to say I told you so–

    Heck, no — I love to! So I love to say I told you so, but, uh, I told you so. Back in 1994, when Danielson was first proposing all of this to City Council, I argued that there was no way that the business could be profitable, and we’d have a big building that would be worthless for anything but running an ice skating rink. It was pointed out (rightly) that the viability of the business had nothing to do with whether they should be permitted to build and operate it, but I couldn’t help but think that the idea seemed simply impossible for our area.

    It’s nice to know that I was right. Given what a bummer that it would be to see that building empty, though, I certainly wish that I had been wrong!


  • KevinCox says:

    It’s too soon to say you’re right. Rolph said the ice park use for the building is viable and Danielson says the building is appropriate for other uses. The city will probably end up buying it :)

    Kevin Cox

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