UVa Psych. Patient Denied Rape Treatment

One of the psychiatric patients who recently reported being raped at the UVa Medical Center was denied an exam, but she was given morning-after pills to prevent pregnancy. Her medical records confirm this. These rape allegations are the source of the recent firing of Medical Center employees that had been conviced of felonies. Claudia Pinto has a detailed story about this in today’s Progress.

3 Responses to “UVa Psych. Patient Denied Rape Treatment”

  • will says:

    What are were the Medical Center’s reasons for denying the exam? It strikes me as unreasonable right off the bat, but I suspect that the story is more complex than that.

  • KevinCox says:

    From The Daily Progress: “The woman’s doctor ordered the exam, but it was canceled after an unnamed police investigator did not recommend it, according to the patient’s records.

    “The police inspector … felt that there was no evidence for a sexual assault against the patient and did not recommend a forensic gynecology exam,” the records state. “Given this, the exam was canceled. However, this is a different issue than the potential for pregnancy and whether we should treat empirically for this, especially since the patient’s mother and nursing staff report her to be an unreliable historian.”

    Tom Goodrich, a registered nurse and sexual assault nurse examiner at Martha Jefferson Hospital, explained that authorization from the police or a commonwealth’s attorney is required for a nurse to use a Physical Evidence Recovery Kit, which is part of the forensic exam. The kit calls for the collection of clothing and foreign matter found on the victim, including semen.”

    For the rest of the story just click on the link provided by cvillenews.com

    Kevin Cox

  • Anonymous says:

    The Daily Progress is running a correction today. According to the correction, “Hospitals need authorization from police or commonwealth’s attorneys to use a Physical Evidence Recovery Kit, a part of the forensic examination in sexual assault cases, only to seek state reimbursement for the costs of the exam.” The hospital could have and should have provided the patient with the exam she requested.

    Kevin Cox

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