J-MRL Library Website Rules

munk writes: Waldo’s always going on about the Jefferson-Madison Regional Library’s website, but I never really took a look until tonight. You can search the library’s holdings, put books on hold, see your acccount status, search periodicals, etc. For summertime fiction, children’s books, or just to learn something new, check out the public library.

2 Responses to “J-MRL Library Website Rules”

  • Anonymous says:

    “…Reading Rainbow!”

  • Waldo says:

    I really do get a lot of mileage out of their website. Since it went up, I find myself reading more than ever. When I come across a book review on Salon or Kuro5hin, I can see if the library has the book (which they generally do), put it on hold (if it’s checked out) and go pick it up a little bit later. The library has long maintained a dial-up BBS, which was especially cool in the early 90s…very innovative of them.

    My favorite thing about the site, I think, is that I can the total of my fines. That saves me the embarassment of having to walk in and ask how much I owe — I can just hand them a buck and slip out. :)


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