Monthly Archive for May, 2001

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Buckingham Supervisors Nix Concert

Kevin Armstrong’s annual summer concert in Buckingham won’t be happening this year. Buckingham Supervisors denied him a permit to allow 2,000 people to watch country musician David Allen Coe perform on Armstrong’s five-acre property. Zoning Administrator Dennis Carney pointed out that the event could lead to “over-exuberance.” And the vice president of the Buckingham branch of the NAACP objected on the basis that Coe’s music is offensive to women, blacks and gays. Today’s Progress has the story.

UVa Hockey Team in Iceland

Anonymous writes: The UVa men’s ice hockey team will be competing in the first annual Iceland Invitational Tournament in Reykjavik, Iceland this Thanksgiving. Coach Roger Voisinet, UVa players Scott Forrest and Garrett Smith and USA hockey official, Steve Malley, just returned from a planning trip courtesy of IcelandAir and the Icelandic Tourist Bureau.

IcelandAir has given the team two free round trip air passes to raffle off as a fund raiser. This would entitle the winner to travel anywhere IcelandAir flies to: London, Paris, Stockholm, Oslo, Copenhagen, Frankfurt or Rejkjavik. Raffle tickets will be sold on the Mall Friday May 25th at 6pm between Millers and Hamilton’s. They are $5 and only 2000 are available. They can also be purchased via email at or 980-3357. For more tourney details see:

County Adopts DISC Plan

The Development-areas Initiative Steering Committee‘s primary growth plan, the “Neighborhood Model,” has been accepted by the Albemarle Board of Supervisors in a unanimous vote. The description of the Neighborhood model on their site certainly sounds logical, and as if it could go a long way toward slowing down sprawl.

Paul Harris Leaving

State delegate Paul Harris has announced that he’s taking a job with the Justice Department, according to today’s Progress. President Bush has appointed him to be a deputy assistant in charge of tort litigation. I guess he’s not as committed to Central Virginia as he said he was when he was running for office.

Boxerjam Lays Off Everybody

Today’s Progress reports that, stunningly, local on-line gaming company Boxerjam has laid off nearly all of their employees, leaving 25 folks jobless. The layoffs are a result of the incredible deflation of on-line advertising values; companes like Boxerjam that rely on advertising revenue have watched their sole revenue stream dwindle to a tiny percentage of what they were two years ago. To all you ex-Boxerites, might I recommend putting your résumé on The Neon Guild’s site?
