Hospital Fires Felons

Following sexual assult allegations earlier in the month, the UVa Medical Center made good on their promise (threat?) to fire convinced felons. Today, they fired nine employees, all of whom were either temp workers or had been hired in the past six months.

4 Responses to “Hospital Fires Felons”

  • Anonymous says:

    This is incredibly cruel scapegoating. These are people who have paid the price for their crimes. They were hard workers who did their jobs and now they are paying the price for someone else’s criminal negligence. When they were hired by the University their convictions were part of their applications. UVa knew that they had been convicted and then entered into an employment agreement with them anyway. Now UVa is betraying that agreement. Their firing shows a great contempt for the concepts of rehabilitation and forgiveness. Also, only temps (read exploited) and probationary employees were fired. Does this mean that attaining “classified” status somehow frees one of the stain of a felony? There are classified employees who are also convicted felons. Are they going to be fired next? Of course not. There are too many. Shame on the thoughtless, heartless boneheads that did this. I hope to hell that the U get sued and loses.

    Kevin Cox

  • Waldo says:

    I’m certainly inclined to agree. Under our legal system, somebody who has served their time (in jail, probation, or through fiscal restitution) is to be punished no more. I suppose that employers have the right to be selective in who they hire, but, last I checked, UVa is not only desperate for hospital employees, but is also a state-owned facility, meaning that they should be held to the standards established by the state, including those of our judicial system.


  • Anonymous says:

    If they had done this earlier, that woman would not have been raped.

  • will says:

    Who’s to say that if this guy hadn’t been hired at UVA, he wouldn’t have raped someone else? And what’s to keep some non-felon they hire instead from doing the same thing? While it might be true that doing this earlier could have prevented this crime or a similar one, such speculation ignores the problem so blatantly that it’s completely useless. Felons are not the problem here. Hundreds of thousands of people are convicted on felony charges every year, and it’s completely ridiculous and most likely unconstitutional to treat them all like potential rapists when an exceedingly small number of them are. The problem, if anything, was hospital security and a failure to respond to previous reports of similar behavior. Most important, however, is that given the circumstances, it was impossible to forsee this sort of thing happening because the likelihood was so low. Keeping felons from working in the hospital will have little effect on the likelihood of this happening again

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