Water St. Garage Expansion Open

The Water Street parking garage expansion is now open, and just in time for holiday shopping. The add-on to the existing garage creates another 300-odd much-needed parking spaces. The city’s parking study concludes that we have a 4,416 space deficit, but, hey, we’ve got to start somewhere. NBC 29 had the story on their 11pm broadcast.

Westhaven Sycamores to Remain

The public housing authority has decided not to cut down four sycamores at Westhaven, today’s Progress reports. Residents of the public housing project were fighting to keep the trees for asthetic reasons, but the city believed that their cracking of the sidewalk presented a hazard. As housing authority board member and Westhaven resident Joy Johnson points out, this has been a good lesson for Westhaven residents. “I think it shows them that if there’s something that they really believe in and they stand up for it, then they can make a difference.”

Rain, at Last

For the first time in something like 40 days, it’s raining. Though the 1/3″ of an inch that’s fallen thus far isn’t sufficient to affect the forest fires in the western part of the county, raise our shockingly-low reservoirs, or even do much more than dampen the dry soil, it’s certainly a start. The drizzle made for a rather depressing shopping day, and business on this biggest of shopping weekends was slow on the Downtown Mall as a result. The rain is forecast to last through tomorrow, and perhaps pick up again on Wednesday or Thursday.

CHS Students Charged with Bomb Threat

Two CHS students called in a bomb threat to their school last week. At 2:20 in the afternoon, two students — a male and a female, both 14 — called from a cell phone, resulting in a search of the school that, of course, revealed no bomb. In addition to school punishment, charges have been filed. WINA has the story.

Elections to Stay in May

City Council has refused to endorse any changes to the Council election dates. They are currently held in May on even-numbered years, but many people believe that November would be a more logical time to hold the elections to ensure greater turn-out, consolidating efforts, lowering costs, and more. Richmond and Virginia Beach are making the change to November to match the schedule that is used by most of the state. Some Democrats believe that holding a special election results a better-informed electorate; Republicans point out that holding a special election helps Democrats maintain their long-standing hold on all five Council seats. WINA has the story.
