Jim Baldi Arrested

Two and a half years after he went on the run, Jim Baldi has been arrested in California, Dave McNair writes for The Hook. The former owner of an accounting firm (and Bel Rio, the Belmont restaurant) disappeared after financial irregularities emerged. He was charged with embezzling from clients, and then was gone without a trace. Many folks—myself included—thought he’d never be heard from again. The U.S Marshals Service and the Albemarle County Police tracked him down. He’s awaiting extradition to Virginia.

5 Responses to “Jim Baldi Arrested”

  • so sick of him says:

    It didn’t take long for Steve Shifflet to appear to hijack the comment section there. I’m so glad C’villenews keeps him at bay.

  • colfer says:

    Off-topic: Waldo, the WVTF local news site would be a worthy addition to your Outlets list. The reporting there is getting pretty aggressive. The WVTF site has transcripts for *most* pieces, but not for the wildest recent one: that the firing of Teresa Sullivan was related to climategate and Michael Mann. It’s an interview and report on UVa Prof. Robert Geraci’s take on the matter. One tidbit I had not heard before: the enviro sciences dept. got a big donation for an endowed chair and tried to hire Mann two months before the Sullivangate. It was stopped at the dean level, appealed to the provost, and denied there too. Could make sense they thought it was crazy to rehire Mann and antagonize Cucci, but get this: the donors of the chair were Kington and Paul Tudor Jones. They had endowed the chair in the wake of the the Cucci lawsuit in the first place! What kind of power move was that? Could be old news to everyone else, since Geraci published a story in the Guardian about last November, but I thought Sandy Hausman at WVTF did a fine job telling the somewhat muckrakingly speculative story, better written than most news stories on national NPR. (It did lack any attempt at rebuttal though.)

    About Baldi, I have heard the worst, let’s see what the prosecutors come up with. I don’t know why people assume he’s out of money and the business partners will never get their paltry sums back. (Paltry by Madoff standards, or even that local Ponzi.)

  • colfer says:

    Or it went to the approval queue because of the link.

  • Walt says:

    And on the topic of news links, the Progress link yields an error. Alas.

  • Thanks for the link suggestion and correction! I feel dumb about WVTF—I actually agitated for about a year for them to start posting and archiving news on their site, talked them through how to support that with their CMS, and how to archive audio. And then totally neglected to actually link to them in the sidebar. :)

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