City Considering Creating Paid Diversity Commission

City Council is looking at creating a Charlottesville Commission on Human Rights, Diversity and Race Relations, Graham Moomaw wrote in yesterday’s Progress, with the power to investigate discrimination claims and penalize those discriminate unlawfully. Council would appoint seven people to three-year terms, and the group would have a staff of three. It would cost $200,000/year to operate. They’d have oversight over private employment and housing discrimination. Council is likely to consider the proposal at next Monday’s meeting.

2 Responses to “City Considering Creating Paid Diversity Commission”

  • Pause to consider says:

    While their aim is noble, one wonders if this is worth the cost? Could that money not be better spent to obtain actual social justice then to allow a new group with unknown agendas to monitor a very difficult to measure set of outcomes? To monitor one of the most diverse areas that it has been my good fortune to live in. There are problems to be sure but will Charlottesville citizens be best served by this expense of harder to come by tax dollars.

    A more cynical observer might say this was an overreaction to the coming absence of an African American from City Council in many many years but I couldn’t possibly say so.

  • Barbara Myer says:

    I find this disturbing. $200K per year on a local level? Don’t we already have the EEOC?

    I hear city council complain often of unfunded and under-funded mandates from the state & the federal governments. We’re seriously going to spend $2M/decade on a redundant option?

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