Western Bypass Out for Bids

The Western Bypass has gone out for bids.  #

5 Responses to “Western Bypass Out for Bids”

  • JMRL Fan says:

    So this pretty much negates any public input that certain BOS candidates are amassing. Once you have an RFP, contractors are expecting the scope of work won’t change. Boyd constituents, you can save yourself the effort and time of attending further meetings – the decisions have all been made for you (at midnight and 15 years ago).

  • Sue says:

    I’ve been torn between amusement and horror at this “process.” A midnight vote that wasn’t on the agenda; public input solicited only after the decision is made; being clear that public input will change nothing; the only one of the supes voting for the bypass who is soliciting input is also the only one running for reelection; and there is a mad rush by the State to get as much done before the election so that it will be more difficult/impossible for the new Board to reconsider any part of this road.

  • gan says:

    I was driving on Garth Road today where the By Pass would go through. It just makes me sad.

  • Cville Eye says:

    It is my impression that the design of the Bypass is still up in the air, just like that of the Parkway in McIntire Park. Supposedly, the responders to the RFP will be submitting their designs in their response. How they can do that without the necessary studies (environmental for example) being done I have no idea.

  • reisdente says:

    The extent of the mishaps and shenanigans associated with this bypass thing are just staggering. Boyd must not care at all about the people who voted him in last time, as he clearly hasn’t done anything to get their input … bogus town hall meetings after the fact to “set the record straight”. Hey, gan, above, don’t just be sad, if you live in this area you can vote this guy out of office in November.

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