Proposed Bypass Bypass Visualized

This is what the Western Bypass would look like. Expect to lose half an hour to these renderings—they’re really engrossing.  #

4 Responses to “Proposed Bypass Bypass Visualized”

  • Evan S. says:

    They’re tearing up a lot of ground; I hope they landscape it nicely-with native species.

  • James Weissman says:

    Darn it; Waldo was right — I was engrossed. But, I now “get” what the heck this highway is and exactly where it will go. Thanks CT! My main question is whether it will have a speed limit of 35 like the [unused] Meadowcreek Pkwy.

  • Tom Snyder says:

    I see ramps at the northern end to do everything except get you on the bypass heading south from the northbound 29 lanes. Anyone know why? You can take the bypass north and exit onto 29 southbound (towards Walmart.) Or exit onto 29 north (towards Target.) If you are driving south on 29 you can get onto the bypass heading south.

    But I don’t see a way, for example, to leave the soccer fields on Polo Grounds road, get to the intersection with 29, and turn right (north) or left (south) and get onto the bypass, short of turning right, going north beyond the bypass, then making a U-turn and coming back south and getting on it.

    One could argue that, as a bypass, it should take traffic from the north and allow it to get to the south, and vice versa. But then why allow cars to take the bypass north and then exit and come back south on 29? And if you allow that southbound exit from the northbound bypass, why not build an exit from 29 northbound that takes you onto the bypass southbound?

    It would necessarily be a large interchange to do that, even with a left lane exit that goes up and over the southbound lanes then curves back to the south and into the bypass. Maybe they don’t have the room. Seems silly, though, not to allow easy access from all directions.

    Am I overlooking it?

  • colfer says:

    Anybody know if St. Annes-Belfield is opposing this?

    Lynchburg has a legit complaint. The alignment of I-64 with its hump up to Cville was a major loss for LYH. Interstates are just very important to conventional economic development. Southside Virginia is quite peaceful these days, though LYH does better than the big empty center of it. Even the 4-lane divided roads built down there have not drawn much.

    They should save their capital and go for an I connection to 81, if that’s what they want. A faster 29 will help them, but not nearly as much as an I.

    A lot of the resentment is political and cultural. (Va. road contractors even traditionally came from VMI.) That cultural split has been growing. Cville now is to the point where it probably would gladly give up I-64 to LYH and just have a US-highway connection, if it were being built now. Bigger state universities in other states have it that way.

    And roads may become less important to real economic development as we run out of gas… but meanwhile we’re a bit of a cheshire cat up here. We got our big bowl of milk but deny others like milk too. The best opposition to the 29 bypass-bypass would be an alternative, not a big fat no.

    Barring that, a big fat no. The bypass-bypass is a terrible idea.

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