McIntosh Running for Council

Democrat Peter McIntosh is the fourth to seek the party’s nomination for City Council, Graham Moomaw writes in the Progress. The retired attorney is campaigning on a platform of economic development, building the Meadowcreek Parkway, building the YMCA in McIntire Park, and building a new dam rather than dredging the reservoirs. McIntosh has served on loads of boards for decades, and is a well-known name around town.

This makes a total of seven candidates for the three seats. The election is in November.

2 Responses to “McIntosh Running for Council”

  • Sean McCord says:

    And he keeps trying to friend me on Facebook, even though we’ve never met. At least with that platform, I know who I *won’t* be voting for.

  • the boss of me says:

    Why is someone with Republican positions running for the Democratic nomination? Don’t they have their own nomination process?

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