Christmas Snow: 2″ is Fun; 12″ is Bad

[S]ignificant snow is possible across the area during the Holiday weekend.” Everybody panic.  #

11 Responses to “Christmas Snow: 2″ is Fun; 12″ is Bad”

  • Correction: 12″ is awesome. 24″ is awesomer.

  • The problem being that Christmas is a big (relatively short-distance) travel day. My wife and I—as every year—need to drive from Stony Point to Free Union and back again. And we’ve got it easy—lots of people plan on driving a great deal farther, and may well end up stranded. It’d be too bad to see people’s Christmases negatively impacted by this.

  • Sean Tubbs says:

    I really really really hope this doesn’t happen. It would totally and utterly ruin my Christmas.

  • Barbara Myer says:

    Waldo — help! Where are these rumors coming from? I’m only seeing 1/2″ to 1″ where I see a forecast of amounts at all.

    Can we really not be grateful for the Christmas that we get? I’d love more people in mine, but I’m certainly going to appreciate the people I get. It will still be Christmas: a time when we’ve societally, if not religiously, agreed to be grateful for gifts received.

    Frankincense, gold, and myrrh. Twelfth night. When the presents arrived. Boxing day, when we venture out of our homes to deliver the boxes of presents.

    Isn’t Christmas a season rather than a day?

  • Waldo — help! Where are these rumors coming from? I’m only seeing 1/2″ to 1″ where I see a forecast of amounts at all.

    I’m sorry, I hadn’t realized that I’d omitted the link! That’s a pretty important detail. I’ve corrected this by adding the link that I’d meant to add in the first place. I’m getting this from the National Weather Service’s “scientific forecaster discussion”—basically a wire service by which meteorologists talk frankly to one another. And they say:

    Low pressure in the southern branch of the jet will track through the deep south Friday night and eventually off the southeast coast Saturday. At the same time…energy from the northern branch of the jet will be diving southeast into this system. As the two systems phase together…low pressure is expected to strengthen as it tracks up the middle-Atlantic coast Saturday and toward New England Sunday. There remains a good deal of uncertainty with the track…timing and intensity of the system. If the low intensifies quickly and remains close to the coast…then a significant snow is possible across the area during the Holiday weekend. If the low is weaker and further away from the coast…then snowfall amounts will be light. The best timing for snowfall as of now appears to be Saturday into Sunday.

    All interested parties should definitely stay apprised of the latest forecasts as we get closer to this potential event.

  • the boss of me says:

    I really really really hope this doesn’t happen (too)! All of the (sort of) good storm names have already been taken. What ever would we do with a storm with no name?

    Yikes! Even the name “The Storm With No Name” has been taken!

  • Cecil says:

    I’m blamed, throughout my friend/neighbor community, as the reason for last year’s snowfall amounts, because I openly wished for LOTS OF SNOW last fall.

    If it happened again, I would be among the elated.

  • danpri says:

    best sites for geeking out on the weather.

    and make sure to go to the “here” link for other areas.

  • I like the Iowa State site, Dan!

    Here’s the latest from the NWS:

    By Sat night…lopres that developed earlier in the day over northern Gulf Coast will have moved east to offshore southeast US…then intensify through sun as it moves north off the eastern Seaboard. Guidance still not in consensus with evln of this coastal lopres…in intensity or track…though spread of solutions has narrowed a bit over last 12 hours. If the track of system remains well remains far enough offshore…closer to GFS forecast…the County Warning Area may still little impact aside from increasing northerly winds sun/Mon. However…if the track is closer to the coast…as indicated by the European model (ecmwf)…which also paints a slower moving and stronger lopres system due to the aforementioned phasing…significant snow accumulations could result. At this time…forecast is highly uncertain…but best chance for significant snowfall would occur sun into early Monday…with areas closer to the coast having the better chances for higher accumulations.

  • danpri says:

    wxrisk was down, but is now back and working. He is focused only on VA.

    And the Iowa site is what I base my travel plan ons…

  • danpri says:

    Just back from NYC. Coming out of our Broadway show, Sunday at 945, the snow was up mid calf, the wind was whipping at 40-50 MPH and thunder and lightning was crashing and echoing through Times Square.

    IT Was Nuts. City was SHUT DOWN by Monday AM. ONly one subway at full strength. Airports. Cars buried.

    We left tuesday AM, 24 hours later and made it home, by car, in 5.5 hours driving. They know how to clean up.

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