DP App

The Daily Progress has an iPhone app now.  #

5 Responses to “DP App”

  • David Sewell says:

    Not bad. Feed is a bit pokey but the interface is well done. Is this DP-only, or do other Media General papers have one as well?

  • JMRL Fan says:

    OK, apps for the the Newsplex, NBC29 and now the DP all use the same app framework, which is not bad but clunky.

  • On my iPhone, the name of it reads “Th…ess.” :)

  • Doapps is a very popular vendor with media companies for mobile apps. Basically a one-stop-shop for iOS and Android support. Doapps is constructing the apps for all Media General properties.

    @waldo The name constrictions on the iPhone are a bit maddening. I am wary of shortening the name to “DP” for search reasons. DP.com is nice but is taken by another company.

    If you early adopters have questions, comments or other feedback let me know at mrosenberg@dailyprogress.com or on Twitter @dailyprogress. I am already compiling a list of changes to send to Doapps.

  • I’m sort of at a loss for a better name, Matt. I appreciate you’re in a tight spot!

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