The Progress Goes to Michigan

The Progress has sent Brian McNeill to Michigan to cover Oliver Kuttner’s X Prize attempt. I can’t remember the last time the DP sent a reporter more than a few hours from C’ville. Good for them.  #

4 Responses to “The Progress Goes to Michigan”

  • U-Hoo says:

    The sports department recently sent reporters to each men’s basketball recruit’s home town (including one in Chelan, Wash.) for a series they did on Tony Bennett’s entering class. I thought that was odd, since they did not even have the budget to send the basketball beat writers to every away game.

  • Doremus Jessup says:

    The Prog’s history is to send sports reporters to cover important games wherever they are played, Hawaii included, but news reporters are close to never paid to cross the state line.

    A Prog reporter once went to DC to cover an anti-war march which involved UVa faculty and students, but it wasn’t an official assignment and he paid his own way. The story got full front-page treatment just the same.

  • Sports! I completely forgot about that, since I don’t read the Progress’ sports coverage (or, really, anybody’s). Thanks for mentioning that glaring exception.

  • **** says:

    Apparently, Oliver’s two seat entry, car #95 failed to perform today’s required safety and accident avoidance testing, eliminating it. So at this point he is down to two cars competing against each other with no outside competition for $5mil. See here:

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