BoS Agrees to Fully Fund Library

The Board of Supervisors has approved full funding for the Jefferson Madison Regional Library, Brandon Shulleeta reports for the Progress. After JMRL threatened to close their Crozet and Scottsville branches if they didn’t receive enough funding to keep them open, one supervisor threatened to withhold all funding and another claimed that they’d lose a whole bunch of funding if they closed down the Scottsville branch. There was even talk of leaving JMRL and starting an Albemarle-only system. Now the board has agreed to maintain the existing funding level for county’s contribution to the library system, leaving JMRL $85,000 short, which their board will likely try to make up on their own.

17 Responses to “BoS Agrees to Fully Fund Library”

  • JMRLFan says:

    AMazing what elected officials can do when they have THE FULL STORY.

  • Chad Day says:

    I’d like to see a story/expose on why the county/city are spending $3.1 million to fund the building of the YMCA when a private developer wants to construct a facility up on Pantops with his own $ and just wants land re-zoned .. and let’s not kid ourselves, that land between Pantops/Kohr Bros. is not exactly rural anyway.

  • jogger says:

    Chad, I don’t care where they build the YMCA as long as they don’t build it in McIntire Park, and yes, Pantops does sound like a good place for the YMCA.

  • Cecil says:

    But–and this is a serious question–would the private developer’s facility be a YMCA-type facility or an ACAC-type facility? It’s my understanding that the YMCA is more or less an affordable option. Is the private developer promising to make his project something that low-income kids could take advantage of?

    Plus, I thought that Pantops sports complex plan was something that surfaced a WHILE ago, and hadn’t resurfaced recently. Maybe I’m wrong.

  • You’ve got an RSS-killer just before “JMRL threatened”.

  • Sean Tubbs says:

    A quick comment to point people in the direction of two resources. First, Charlottesville Tomorrow recorded the audio of Wednesday’s work session.

    Second, the Pantops complex Chad Day is referring to was the subject of a work session on March 28, 2008. Brian Wheeler wrote about it, and there’s a podcast if you’re interested in listening to the discussion .

  • perlogik says:

    I would be very surprised if this was the end of the story. Albemarle gives over 50% of the money and could still withdraw from the JMRL and use the same amount of money to fund the Albemarle branches solely and have complete control. Further as brought up by the Scottsville library, the city could not just stop County residents from using the Central branch- just as Scottsville doesn’t stop those from Buckingham resident from using their library.

    To JMRLfan, it’s amazing what can happen when when Richmond allocates more money.

  • JMRL Fan says:

    You may be right. History says otherwise but it’s the victors that write the history.

    At any rate, Ken Boyd seems hellbent on examining the Regional Agreement looking for loopholes so the credits have yet to roll…

  • Chad Day says:

    The Pantops thing surfaced a while ago, and then resurfaced recently. From what I saw they scaled it down a bit, nixed the car dealership, etc.

    It’s not as much of an ACAC and more just a place with courts, fields, etc. It didn’t seem like an actual workout-type gym as much of a place for sports. Given the field situation in the city/county, it’s certainly a need.. and why they won’t let a private developer give it a go is frustrating.

  • Cecil says:

    Perlogik, where did you see that Richmond allocated more money for this usage than they had initially indicated they would provide? I know that Richmond did end up with more generous school funding than had been prognosticated, which eased the school crisis, but did Richmond also provide the county with more generous funding overall that could be used for libraries?

  • Chad Day says:

    I can’t find the link to what I read after Googling around.. I know I heard on the radio that the county recently ok’ed the $2.1m for the YMCA, I assume the city is on the hook for the $1m as well. I didn’t even know that the YMCA was getting that funding, I had thought it was just the $1 land lease that they got.

    Frustrating to see that and then comments from politicians on how they’d like to see a private entity step in to buy the Ice Park .. I guess all sports facilities aren’t created equal. That’s going to be a huge loss to the Mall and Charlottesville as a whole if the Ice Park closes in June like it’s currently scheduled to.

  • Just Bob says:

    Depending on the location in the Pantops area I would say let the developer have a go at it with the one stipulation that the YMCA would be allowed a low cost 99 year lease to operate the facility. That would prevent the developer from turning it into a private for profit enterprise.

    Regarding the JMRL vs Albemarle Co funding dispute.

    I didn’t hear about an “Albemarle Only” competing library system. When you consider all the costs of operating a library- it seems like it would be a lot easier to just kick up a fair share to keep the existing system funded.

    However- Fair points were made about the percentage of Fluvanna vs Buckingham, vs Albemarle Resident usage for the Scottsville library. Since the Scottsville area (as far as real estate agents are concerned) covers portions of all three counties- asking Fluvanna and Buckingham to kick up a little extra seems fair and reasonable to me.

  • Cville Eye says:

    “It’s my understanding that the YMCA is more or less an affordable option.” It will be “affordable” after the city starts contributing to its annual operating budget in the form of “scholarships” for low-income residents if they show any interest in using the facility. Historically, the YMCA cdnters have not attracted a great deal of interest.

  • Cecil says:

    “Historically, the YMCA cdnters have not attracted a great deal of interest.”

    I don’t know what that means: do you mean that throughout history, across the country, YMCAs are not being used? Is the organization a massive flop everywhere and at all times? What is “interest,” as you use the term — membership? usage of the facility? I’m just wondering what you mean and what you base your observation on.

  • Cville Eye says:

    Sorry and thank you Cecil. I was talking about the local YMCA here in Charlottesvillle and Albemarle County. The Y has always admitted that it had very few clients even at its previous locations at the old McIntire School and Rock Hill Academy site. Since McIntire Park abuts these two sites I don’t know why they think they will attract more people.

  • won'tbeflamed says:

    There is no room for more traffic on Pantops. Yes, people who don’t have to drive on Pantops don’t care but many people have to drive on Pantops and adding more development is just wrong and unfair. Really tired of folks who care more about McIntire Park than actual people who pay the same Albemarle taxes as they do but aren’t rich enough to live where they do or choose to live in an area that requires less use of energy/gas to commute. Park land or people and energy conservation? Dissing Pantops is getting really old and obnoxious and yes, classist. Did you know there are walkable neighborhoods in Pantops where someone can go to the store without using a car? Did you know that people with disabilities can live on Pantops without worrying about transportation and accessibility? No, just save the park, fine, but don’t save it on the back of other people’s quality of life.

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