City/County School Funds Transfer Fails

The county won’t get $2.8M of the city’s school funding after all. Del. Bell’s budget amendment failed.  #

5 Responses to “City/County School Funds Transfer Fails”

  • fdr says:

    glad it failed. I support Bell, but this was an attempt to re-write the sharing agreement. They knew about this issue when it was signed, they just are looking for more funding.

  • Will says:

    @fdr: I wasn’t aware that this accounting issue was known about by both the city & county governments back when the agreement was signed. Are you certain? If so, that changes a lot for me.

    I had been in favor of Bell’s amendment b/c it seemed like an overdue fix of a quirk of accounting that unfairly benefited the city at the county’s expense. However, if both sides knew about the problem when the agreement was signed, and at least tacitly approved of, then the county’s argument is much weaker as it has effectively condoned the practice for years now.

    You can’t sue for divorce on grounds of adultery if you condoned your spouse’s infedility for years.

  • Just Bob says:

    I’ll be voting Republican for the next bunch of state level elections in my district.

    Dem’s will be getting my support nationally though.

  • Big_Al says:

    I’ll be voting Republican for the next bunch of state level elections in my district.

    Dem’s will be getting my support nationally though.

    Bobby McDonnell, Ken Cuccinelli, and the rest of the Virginia Troglodyte Party appreciate your support.

  • Cville Eye says:

    I followed the revenue sharing discussions in the papers fairly closely and I never read any where about the effect on the composite index. Perhaps because the first year’s sharing was under $800k and the effect on the index was negligible. I would be amazed if anybody even thought about it then. fdr, do you have information as to where it was discussed?

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