DP Online for the Storm

Most media outlets are doing a bang-up job of moving online for the storm–the Progress is putting the whole paper online for the duration.  #

3 Responses to “DP Online for the Storm”

  • colfer says:

    Keep it online, DP! Formatted like a real paper, people might even pay to read it!

    I’m coming to believe paywalls may be feasible for local papers. Making the newspaper free increases online readership, but it kills subscriptions. That is what the NYT flubbed in the TimesSelect so-called disaster. It had hundreds of thousands of people paying $49/year and then panicked just because online readership declined. Of course it did! Meanwhile, the top reason people drop their paper subscriptions is because the online version is free. Former top editors at NYT are saying this, but you know, biz psychology is often pathological… I’m not saying Rupert Murdoch can pull it off, but giving up is ridiculous…

  • Marijean says:

    Too bad it took this to make that conversion, but I sincerely hope they keep it up, and that advertisers help them make it a way to make it worthwhile on the business side of the paper. (Can we still call it a paper when it ends up completely online?)

  • Marijean,

    The ePaper has been available for several months now as a paid option. We offered it free of charge over the weekend in anticipation of delivery problems due to the storm.


    I think our ePaper is a great product especially for people outside of our normal delivery area.

    I am still not sold on the idea of a direct print design transplant to the web. Reading habits vary quite a bit between online and print versions.

    See here for the latest eye tracking info from Poynter.

    There are bright spots on the horizon. eReaders such as the Kindle are going to have a profound effect in the coming years as will other internet enabled mobile devices.

    The new Times Skimmer is an interesting concept that I hope gets studied in depth.

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