Democrats Win City Seats

Democrats have won all of the Charlottesville elections, unsurprisingly. Delegate David Toscano easily defeated independent challenger R.B. Smith, James E. Brown bested independent Paul Best in the sheriff’s race, and Mayor Dave Norris secured reelection while ticket-mate Kristin Szakos joined him in defeating independents Bob Fenwick and Paul Long. Statewide Democrats were pummeled in most of the state (the numbers are still coming in, but “bloodbath” is probably in appropriate word), but there’s no sign of that in Charlottesville, with Sen. Creigh Deeds, Jody Wagner, and Steve Shannon all winning the local vote by a 3:1 margins. If the city is true to form, it’ll have the second-highest performance rate for Democrats, with Petersburg coming out on top.

16 Responses to “Democrats Win City Seats”

  • danpi says:

    Funny how the “democrats win” headline gets no response and the “repubs win” gets all kind of crazy posts…

    Cville is NOT the heart of the country, just a uber liberal outpost.

    UVa was doing a photo shoot on the mall today to get a photo that represented Charlottesville. I suggested a Prius with an Obama bumper sticker that did not know how to merge in traffic was the best option.

  • build it and they will whine says:

    Dems win!
    A lot of sound and fury- signifying nothing

  • Mark says:

    I thought the “Obama ’08” bumper sticker was the new C-ville city decal, but it turns out they’re put on in the Prius factory. So I was mistaken.

  • Sean Tubbs says:

    I’ve not heard it yet, but my friend Lydia Wilson submitted an audio documentary to the Charlottesville Podcasting Network produced by a group called “Squid and Beard” which documents the Smith campaign.

  • fdr says:

    Hopefully everyone will clean up their signs trashing the streets in and around cville. Deeds seems to have the most to clean up – wasn’t there talk about fining people who put these on telephone poles and along streets?

  • jogger says:

    If you see any type of yard sale or political sign on public property, telephone poles, traffic sign poles, etc. etc. become an involved citizen and take them down.

  • HollowBoy says:

    Glad I didn’t have any any money on this election. Only one candidate(in races with opposing candidates) that I voted for won-Toscano.
    The governor’s race a lot like 1993. A slick,well-organized Republican candidate facing a Democrat who ran a lack luster campaign. In sports lingo, the Republican team showed up “ready to play;the Dems just showed up.
    For those not around in 1993, the race was between GOP’s George F. Allen and Dems Mary Sue Terry.
    Most disappointed in that Bob Fenwick amd Paul Best lost. What will it take to bring down the inbred,cronyism-dominated machine that is the Charlottesville Democratic Party?
    From one who usually votes D in national and statewide races, and for anyone else for city offices.

  • Cville Eye says:

    @Hollwboy, things would change if Council would stop buying votes, which I don’t see anytime in the future.

  • A. Soroka says:

    I wonder about the at-large election system we use in Charlottesville. I think it strongly contributes to the success of the Democratic machine.

  • Cville Eye says:

    @A. Soroka, Apparently it was thought so by the majority of city Democrats themselves back in the early eighties. Locals were successful in getting a referendum on establishing some type of ward system and it passed. The Dems on council, however, declared that they would have another referendum the following year and worked extremely hard to see to it that it failed. And it did.

  • Adam Soroka says:

    Can anyone confirm or correct my impression that actually changing the form of City government would require action from Richmond (a change in the City charter)? It’s more of an academic question right now, but I am curious.

  • Cville Eye says:

    We were told that it would take a change to the city’s charter back in the early eighties. Whether this is true or not I have no idea because I didn’t look into it.

  • Cville Eye says:

    We were also told then that it would require federal approval because of a voting rights act.

  • oniss says:

    I seem to recall discussions about how we couldn’t use the elementary school districts as they exist because they don’t conform to provisions of the voting rights act…

  • Cville Eye says:

    @oniss, That was a lie that was circulated by the opponents back then, similar to the ones we’re hearing from the people now at RWSA about water permitting. It is up to an agency in the federal government to determine if the proposed wards would be acceptable and that agency was never submitted any information locally.
    I would imagine that a plan that promoted one city-wide councilor (mayor) six wards (arbitrary number) may be considered under a different light than a three at-large and four ward plan, for example. It would also depend upon whether the feds feel that a particular submitted would “dilute” the minority vote.
    Again, since no plan was formed for the division into wards, the feds didn’t take notice.

  • oniss says:

    So you’re saying that our school districts actually would pass the voting rights act, or that we haven’t officially raised our hands and asked ‘do they pass’? Because I’m pretty sure that some actually savvy people (as opposed to lying people) said that we’d have to redraw things to meet the requirements of the voting rights act. We mostly vote at schools, don’t we? Because that’s how the lines are drawn. We could draw new lines that have nothing to do with the school districts, but then some number of people would have to change their polling location. You know, to line up with the new lines. Which are going to be…whatever. Nevermind that the lines deciding where our children to to school are economically and racially screwed…excuse me, skewed.

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