Roads Snarled Thursday Night

U2 is playing Scott Stadium Thursday night, so stay far, far away from town. UVA is doing stuff to deal with traffic, but 50,000 people is 50,000 people.  #

16 Responses to “Roads Snarled Thursday Night”

  • Jeff Uphoff says:

    You misspelled 60,000. :)

  • Cecil says:

    I hope UVa is making mucho bucks off this deal, given what a major pain-in-the-a$$ it is for the academic side of things. You know, the teaching/taking classes side.

  • Lauren says:

    I just ran an errand to Barracks Road so that I wouldn’t have to deal with that mess tomorrow.

  • Stormy says:


    What’s the biggest pain for the academic side of things? How is it interfering with classes tomorrow?

  • Cecil says:

    Faculty have to get out of the Scott Stadium parking lots (where many of us park) by 3 on Thursday, which might sound petty, but lots of faculty teach on Thursdays later than 3:00 (T-TH classes meet from 2-3:15 and from 3:30-4:45, not to mention all the labs and seminars that have extended blocks of time on Thursday afternoon). I teach in the morning and I do plan to be out of there by 3, but if I had afternoon classes or office hours or if I simply wanted to use my office to get some work done in the afternoon, it would be a pain because I’d have to either (a) move my car before 3 to some other less convenient parking place and then hike back to my office, or (b) early in the morning park at the old basketball arena and take a shuttle to and from my office.

    All of which sounds petty, I know, in that lots of people park and take a shuttle or park far from their workplace. BUT, to the extent that it’s an academic institution supposedly putting academics first, it’s a little odd to undertake something during the middle of the academic week that creates inconvenience for the academics trying to do what they’re supposed to do. That’s why I sincerely do hope they’re getting a chunk of change for renting out the stadium.

    It was the same, only on a smaller scale, when about six years ago (?) UVa played a Thursday night home football game.

  • blockhead says:

    50,000 fans at $100 or more per ticket on average should generate close to five million bucks. there hould be a little bit left over after expenses don’t ya think?

  • Lauren says:

    U2 has yet to make any profit on this 360 tour due to their massive overhead costs.

  • oniss says:

    So, massive overhead is, like, bad…

  • You misspelled 60,000. :)

    Last I checked, they’d only sold 50,000 tickets.

  • Cecil says:

    it’s possible for U2 to make no profit while the venues that charge them to play make a profit, yes? I would hope so?

  • James says:

    Cecil – are you kidding? bands big enough to play at, say, The Pavilion usually ask for a guarantee. I’m sure the value U2’s rider alone is bigger than what most bands make on an entire tour.

  • Patience says:

    We’re planning to walk downtown and take the free trolley to the show. Does anyone know if the city is planning to run more buses today? I imagine lots of people will be doing this. Or we might try to take the #4 as far down Cherry Ave. as we can get.

  • danpi says:

    Someone said all shuttles were cancelled. And I read that wrong you might get screwed on the way home, when everyone is looking for that little help on a tiny shuttle.

  • Cecil says:

    I know that UVa is actually closing down bus service early, like around 4 or 5, as opposed to running more buses. probably best to keep them off the road and out of the way.

  • grapes says:

    when would be a good time to flee the downtown area before the traffic starts pouring in?

  • Patience says:

    Thanks. I know the Trolley route has been detoured but there is no other information at the CTS website. Worst case scenario: our trip home will be right foot, left foot the whole way. I’d rather walk than sit in traffic anyway.

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