Tara Thai No Good

The new “Tara Thai” chain at Barracks Road is apparently atrocious.  #

16 Responses to “Tara Thai No Good”

  • Spenny says:

    Hey Waldo shouldn’t your post say “somebody and we don’t know who, thinks Tara Thai is atrocious”

  • Spenny says:

    My bad, I see we know who they are, but they are but one and it makes the top of your page? It cheapens the tome of your site.

  • That’s what blogs do—they’re one person writing something that they think about something. :) I like to promote local blogs. There’s no “making the top”—everything appears at the top of the page and, as time goes by, scrolls to the bottom.

  • Derek says:

    I took a moment to comment on S1dd. My wife an I tried Tara Thai on Friday and liked it just fine.

  • colfer says:

    Yeah, I think “atrocious” exaggerates just getting served cold food. I’ve probably gotten cold food in restaurants and not even noticed.

  • Lonnie says:

    My issue with most of the local ethnic restaurants is that each seems to use the some distributor to get their ingredients (per ethnicity). That means that no matter what Indian restaurant you eat at, they basically taste all the same. (Either that or all the food from south India to the Himalayas all tastes the same…)Same for chinese, Thai, etc.

    When I was a kid this seems to not be the case in Charlottesville. We had Chinese restaurants that I’m pretty sure made everything from scratch, including the fortune cookies (which we’re so much better than the cardboard things wrapped in plastic you get nowadays).

    It was once also true for Mexican, but now with La Cocina Del sol, and Aqui Es Mexico, there are a few truely different restaurants. Nonetheless, with those two exceptions, all the mexican food basically tastes the same too.

  • Spenny says:

    I appreciate the replies. I have not been to Tara Thai, but like the Lime leaf and Pad Thai. I will give it a try regardless of one persons opinion. I thought Waldo’s Blog was Cville News, so I guess one comment about a bad dining experience counts as news.

  • I thought Waldo’s Blog was Cville News, so I guess one comment about a bad dining experience counts as news.

    Is it news that a local TV station’s feed cut out for a few minutes one night? Or that the paper fudged a graph? Or that UVa is providing free scans of Holsinger photos? Probably not. And that’s exactly why I write about them here.

  • Chris says:

    Spenny: there’s the blog and the “sideblog.” The sideblog is the place where (from my reading) Waldo sticks stuff that’s not worth a full article, that isn’t really so much news but that might be of interest to some and is basically local in nature.

    The bar is a lot different than the full on blog complete with article and assertion of newsworthiness.

    I appreciate the take on Tara Thai though I honestly didn’t find it very useful, personally. It ultimately came down to “the food was cold” but I didn’t get any sense about why that was so I couldn’t decide whether I thought it was some really systemic problem with the restaurant or some weird hiccup in the writer’s visit. I presume the latter as I’ve had excellent experiences and very good food at a few other Tara Thai locations.

  • Bloom says:

    It ultimately came down to “the food was cold” but I didn’t get any sense about why that was so I couldn’t decide whether I thought it was some really systemic problem with the restaurant or some weird hiccup in the writer’s visit.

    I think that the restaurant’s idea that it’s okay to serve a customer a microwaved meal @14 or so bucks indicates a general problem — even an “atrocious” one — rather than a mere hiccup.

    I’ve probably gotten cold food in restaurants and not even noticed.

    And they’ve no doubt taken your money without a peep of complaint!

  • Chris says:

    Bloom, you might want to indicate where you take quotes from previous comments rather than just listing them. It looked like you pulled them from the same place. I had to scour my own comment to see where I’d written something about getting cold food without noticing.

    When it comes to reviews and microwaves, I’ve learned that many people believe something to have been microwaved when, in fact, there isn’t even a microwave in the kitchen. I have no idea whether that’s the case with Tara Thai or the review linked to here but it’s something I don’t normally draw conclusions from myself from someone else’s write-up. Beyond which, a microwave is only a tool and, if used properly, not a bad one.

  • colfer says:

    Cold food is bad. In my vocab, “atrocious” means something worse…

  • S1dd says:

    I say go try the place out yourself and you will end up going back to your previous favorite Thai place, whatever it may be. Tara Thai costs more and the food is no better if not worse.

  • BrianD says:

    My spouse went for lunch a few days ago, she liked it.

  • Nitin says:

    Waldo–sadly, you’re right about Tara Thai here in Charlottesville. I have had decent experiences at their Arlington/Ballston location, but I don’t think that it’s translated down here. We ordered tofu pad thai take-out from their vegetarian menu, as we are vegetarians. The dish clearly was completely doused with fish sauce. Because we do not eat fish, we had to throw it away. I complained about this, but was brushed aside as having “miscommunicated” my desire not to have fish sauce in my vegetarian dish! So be aware: vegetarian dishes contain fish sauce unless you explicitly ask for them not to use it. I was excited about a new Thai restaurant closer to the center of town, but am afraid that I cannot go back after this very disappointing experience.

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