Foot Traffic to Visitors Bureau Plummets

Because Monticello moved their visitors center, traffic to the neighboring tourism bureau office is down 90%.  #

4 Responses to “Foot Traffic to Visitors Bureau Plummets”

  • Cville Eye says:

    Why do we have Chris Engel, a city employee, serving as a voting member of the tourism board? He is paid to carry out the policies of the city, not to make it.
    It appears that the total visitors to both tourism center is significantly down, yet the city and county continue to increase the budget. Do they naively think that the more money that they poor into this area, the more tourists will come and spend money in Albemarle and Charlottesville? Perhaps the tourists are finding more and more of the information they need on the internet and don’t have to waste gas stopping at visitor centers. If the city and county are looking for a different way of spending its lodging taxes, they can try supplementing the schools’ budgets instead of thinking of new gadgets to amuse “tourists.”

  • Tea Buz says:

    CE- Enough of your berating of city & county employees and elected officials. I think it’s about time you start your own blog….”basheverybody.” Good luck.

  • Cville Eye says:

    Which of my sentences above berated anybody, pray tell? My issue is, as usual, applying a model of good governance.

  • Dan Kachur says:

    Tea Buz, I disagree with CVille Eye quite frequently, but here, CE makes a very good point.

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