Salmonella Outbreak at The Tavern

Fourteen people have salmonella after eating at The Tavern. They’ve got a really bad health inspection history.  #

11 Responses to “Salmonella Outbreak at The Tavern”

  • blanco nino says:

    aw, c’mon. the filth was part of the tavern’s charm.

  • CR UVa says:

    Geez, that makes me feel so much better about those times that I ate there.

  • Elizabeth says:

    Yeah! We dodged a bullet. Feel the adrenaline high!

  • Cecil says:

    Salmonellosis is miserable. My son had it about a year ago–so sick, so sick. We never did find out for sure where he got it.

  • Dan Kachur says:

    Server cutting into omelet with fingernail to check it’s type! So nasty. Lots of nasty stuff, but that one got to me.

  • TheCowSaysMoo says:

    4 critical, 5 non-critical, 9 total, 9 repeat

    5 critical, 6 non-critical, 11 total, 10 repeat

    13 critical, 16 non-critical, 29 total, 20 repeat

    4 critical, 11 non-critical, 15 total, 9 repeat

    And on and on and on.

    As the saying goes, fool the TJHD once, shame on you. Fool the TJHD twice, shame on the TJHD.

    Seriously, I don’t know if I’m more disgusted with the actual violations or the fact that there are so many repeat offenses and the TJHD allows them to remain in operation.

    Maybe the TJHD should change their name to: Thomas Jefferson “Health” District.

  • TheCowSaysMoo says:

    Comments from the 07/24/2008 inspection include:

    Failure to correct critical type violations may institute further administrative or enforcement procedures.

    Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha!

    Yeah, right.

  • HollowBoy says:

    Don’t think I will be eating there! They might go under regardless of what the Health Dept does, if this is as well-publicized as it should be.
    Didnt it used to be Sarge’s years ago? Sometimes changing ownership can make a difference, for better or worse.

  • Perlogik says:

    This won’t hurt it as much as if it had happened during a football weekend or when the students were here. I wonder what it will cost them in higher insurance cost and settle legal claims.

  • 68 critical violations is horrible.

    I perused the histories of a bunch of other restaurants in town, including everything from OXO to Millers, and pretty much every place has at least a few. Something in the neighborhood of a dozen seems to be pretty typical for a place that has been in business since the online records start in 2003. 68 critical violations is definitely egregious compared to other restaurants.

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