Corner Parking Lot Documentary Planned

I’d wondered if the town had collectively forgotten that the Corner parking lot is the cradle of the local music scene. Brendan Fitzgerald brings the happy news in this week’s C-Ville that, no, people remember: local filmmaker Meghan Eckman is making a documentary about it. She’s spent a year learning about the lot’s history, and is in the process of turning 125 hours of footage into a single work.

It’s noteworthy that the lot’s manager, Chris Farina, is the creator of “West Main Street,” a gem of a documentary made back in 1995. I’ve seen it a half dozen times (I own a copy), and the more time passes, the more valuable it becomes as an artifact of the town’s history.

3 Responses to “Corner Parking Lot Documentary Planned”

  • jamesf says:

    I saw a rough cut of Meghan’s film last fall; it looks like it’s going to be pretty good. Much to my shame, I still haven’t seen the West Main doc…

    Also of note: during last spring’s WTJU Rock Marathon, Tyler and Davis did a 3-hour show of Charlottesville music, with a whole half-hour chunk devoted to bands that had formed out of CPL employees… I’ve got it on tape somewhere, it’s a good show.

  • Dave says:

    Does anyone know if the West Main documentary is still available to purchase? I missed it too and would like to get a copy.

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