Happy 85th, Sydney

It’s Sydney Tapscott’s 85th birthday, and there’s a party, natch.  #

2 Responses to “Happy 85th, Sydney”

  • Jogger says:

    I’ve never know anything but goodness from Sydney towards his fellow man. He is one of a kind and when he’s gone Charlottesville will be the worst off for it. Happy Birthday Sydney and hope you have as many more as your heart desires.

  • Kirby says:

    Congrats to Sidney, 85 is a milestone!!! He is as much Charlottesville as TJ. Originally met him at Cabell Hall back in my UVA days. Spent many a morning with him at the Blue Moon Diner in the 80’s and then have always enjoyed his harmonica interludes with the Hogwaller Ramblers.

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