1990s Downtown Portraits

I’ve added another couple of dozen photos to my growing collection of portraits of downtown regulars from the mid 1990s, a result of scanning in a bunch of photos I took back in the day.  #

3 Responses to “1990s Downtown Portraits”

  • Big_Al says:

    Okay, I don’t get it. There are probably 2 dozen photos that were taken in or around Chaps, and not one had LaBua. How in the name of Zeus did you manage that? Tony’s never seen a camera he didn’t want to jump in front of (especially if it’s being held by a TV news reporter).

  • Morgan says:

    Nice set. A few familiar faces in there for me, though I’m about 10 years older than all’yall. I love the look of real color film, even when digitized. I gotta dust off my old Pentax Spotmatic one of these days.
    A correction: the first one is Darrell Rose, not Scotty B.

  • Wow. That’s embarrassing. They don’t even look alike. Thanks. :)

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