City News RSS Feed

Rather than just gripe about the new city website, I figure I should fix something. So I’ve created a city news RSS feed. It’s headline-only, unfortunately, because I’m too lazy to write the code that will fetch the content of each of their articles, but it’s a start. Add it to your feed reader and keep up with the city’s latest news.

Still not using a feed reader? See my handy guide to get set up.

6 Responses to “City News RSS Feed”

  • Jim says:

    So easy to do (apparently) and so easily neglected by the web designers. Shame they didn’t implement this themselves. Thanks for the feed, Waldo.

  • Terrific job, Waldo. Thanks for doing this.

  • bilco says:

    Uh, didn’t some certain somebodies from California get paid $70k? Why is Waldo doing the heavy lifting here?

  • The same reason Waldo didn’t get the $70k—Waldo’s dumb like that. :)

  • bilco says:

    Waldo, you or any of another of the talented web developers here in town could have done the new cville site. I know we have expressed our outrage before, but it just seems really, really silly for the city to contract this sort of thing “out of house.” I think if you asked most web users around town, they would probably be willing to pay for a B-grade website by a local developer than an A-grade website from someone outside of the community.

    And here, when all is said and done, we got a C+ grade site and paid out the nose to someone in CA. At least if a group in town did the site, they would be more likely to see feedback like this on cvillenews, AND have their client-base adversely affected if the site was not well received.


  • At least if a group in town did the site, they would be more likely to see feedback like this on cvillenews, AND have their client-base adversely affected if the site was not well received.

    That’s a really insightful point. That particular feedback mechanism had never crossed my mind.

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