Community Supported Agriculture Program?

As the trees turn green and my wife and I prepare to transfer our seedlings into the garden, I’ve found myself wanting to sign up for a share in a Community Supported Agriculture program. Having a weekly supply of fruits, vegetables, herbs and meats would be great. I see that Best of What’s Around is full up for the season, so they’re out. Does anybody have any experience with area CSA programs? Any recommendations?

3 Responses to “Community Supported Agriculture Program?”

  • David McNair says:


    I’ve done a couple Dish’s on CSAs…Best of and one called Ploughshares. There is also another one out there called Horse and Buggy Produce…here are the links:

    Ploughshares(bottom of page)

    Best of

    Horse and Buggy Produce

  • harry says:

    I participated in Best of What’s Around’s program last year. The good news is that you get plenty of fresh, organic produce for a fair price and support the local agricultural economy at the same time.

    For it to work, you’ve got to be open to trying new foods and be prepared to build your weekly menu around whatever crops are coming in. It was fun for me. Once I picked up my box of produce, I’d go home and find recipes to make the best use of my ingredients. When soybeans came in, I snacked on edamame. When black-eyed peas were ripe, I made hoppin’ john. The baby beets and tiny carrots made delicious salads.

    Go for it. (And be sure to share any excess produce that you can’t eat fast enough.)

  • ajs says:

    I had a very good experience last year with Appalachia Star farm ( and signed up again this year. They’re full up too, tho’.

    Harry is very wise to advise you to be ready to cook seasonally. I’d add to his remark:

    “And be sure to share any excess produce that you can’t eat fast enough.”

    that you can also take the opportunity to learn to put up food for the winter. Proper drying and safe canning techniques are good skills to have, especially for a gardener.

    You may want to stop by the City Market and ask farmers there if they know of anyone running a CSA who still has open shares. It’s pretty late in the year, but you never know.

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