Here are some of my favorite Charlottesville blog entries from the past week.
Virginia Quarterly Review has won a big-deal award. Bryan McKenzie would like you to all please stop shooting each other. Trish will miss her old apartment…kind of. Laura had some unexpected guests. Colten finished recording his new CD. Jennifer and her family stayed in a PATC cabin in March and was surprised to discover that it was cold. Scott can save you a lot of money if you follow his wiring advice. Lincoln overheard something scary (which reminds me of something I once overheard). Joe’s both famous and fit and trim. Duane’s concerned about the neighborhood model. Darlene and Chris can’t make a great vegan meal every night. Bill Emory took a walk along Moore’s Creek. Outskirts reflects on his position as juror in a recent high-profile trial. Anne Metz celebrates Cool Honey’s victory over Sweet Cakes. Lexi reviews Ludwig’s and Continental Divide, and liked them both. Dave Norris wants Council meetings to be podcast. Jim Duncan points out that we’re facing 6,000 more homes in the area. And Cory’s excited about this Saturday’s Treehugger’s Ball.
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