City Schools ISO Geeks

The Charlottesville School Board has OKd two new technology positions, WINA reports, which is the kind of thing that gets me excited. They want one person to maintain CHS and BMS student records and another — this is the cool one — to run the city schools’ website. So, local geeks looking for work, consider applying for this gig.

Picture this: city school blogs. Get the new superintendent, a couple of principals, and a handful of teachers blogging. Aggregate all of those and put them on the front page of the city schools’ website, and I’ll include them in the Charlottesville blog aggregator, of course. Whoever the new supe turns out to be, a blog is going to make them seem a whole lot more accessible to the people of C’ville. That’s something Scottie Griffin would have benefitted from.

4 Responses to “City Schools ISO Geeks”

  • cvilleyankee says:

    I’ve already had some conversations with one of the new Technology Integration Specialist Techs about the possibility of my students blogging. I’m definitely interested in it, but currently the technology available in our schools would not make it feasible.

    I’d love to start a blog for me, but sometimes it’s hard to walk the line between talking about your day and telling tales out of school (literally!). :)

  • TrvlnMn says:

    cvilleyankee wrote:

    I’ve already had some conversations with one of the new Technology Integration Specialist Techs about the possibility of my students blogging. I’m definitely interested in it, but currently the technology available in our schools would not make it feasible.

    I think that means the parental controls on the computer equipment won’t allow for it, plus they haven’t figured out a good way to censor what the student’s might post, and the administration would veto it because it might lead to bad P.R.

    *big cheesy grin* :P

  • cvilleyankee says:

    Honestly, I haven’t even gotten that far.

    Due to the number of computers we have (or really, don’t have), I could not guarantee regular (not once a month, let alone once a week) computer access for my kids to make a project like this feasible. Rumors abound that this problem may be solved in the next 12 months. If that’s the case, I’ll start wading through your fun list of things to consider. :)

  • TrvlnMn says:

    cvilleyankee wrote:

    Due to the number of computers we have (or really, don’t have), I could not guarantee regular (not once a month, let alone once a week) computer access for my kids to make a project like this feasible.

    In all fairness I had considered that was probably the main issue that you faced. However for the purposes of a post, it wasn’t quite as provocative an issue as the others might be. ;)

    Makes me wonder though about all the stories I hear about the money the government’s supposed to be throwing at schools to put “computers” in the classroom and modernize the learning experience.

    Good luck with your project, I think it’s a great Idea and I hope things work out so that you’re able to do it.

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