Bodo’s Opening in June?

I’ll be the first to admit that this is getting a ridiculous, but The Hook reports that Bodo’s is opening on or about June 13:

[T]he signs are all in place, and owner Brian Fox confirms he’s the reason for these freakish occurrences. According to Fox, June 13 “or thereabouts” is the day bagel-lovers believed would never come, the day the Corner Bodo’s opens.


The soda fountains are hooked up, the iced tea is flowing, and all that’s left to do now is finish hiring the 45 or so employees it takes to run a single Bodo’s.

I want to be the first in line.

1 Response to “Bodo’s Opening in June?”

  • perlogik says:

    First Deep Throat is revealed and now the corner Bodo’s is about to open. Coincidence or something else?
    Just let me know when it opens!

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