CvilleIndyMedia Launches has a new neighbor — CvilleIndyMedia, a local iteration of the the Independent Media Center family of sites. The site is run by Alexis Ziegler, and should be familiar-looking to anybody reading this site. The major feature of CvilleIndyMedia is that it’s democratically-run: instead of having submissions run through an approval process, anybody can post a story about anything, making it a truly open site. Assuming that CvilleIndyMedia sticks to the approach used by most Indymedia sites, its focus will be on progressive social change, such as environmentalism, sustainability, peace, equality, animal rights and, of course, politics.

9 Responses to “CvilleIndyMedia Launches”

  • IamDaMan3 says:



    I hope Waldo ain’t mad at me for invading it :P.

  • BetterLife says:

    Wow! A hippy site!

  • cornelious says:

    >>>"its focus will be on progressive social change, such as environmentalism, sustainability, peace, equality, animal rights and, of course, politics."<<<<

    One hopes , in a "democratically-run" environment, the focus will be chosen by the posters rather than the CvilleIndyMedia.

  • BurntHombre says:

    Finally! I was wondering when Charlottesville would get a website devoted to leftist perspectives on local news.


  • Waldo says:

    One hopes , in a “democratically-run” environment, the focus will be chosen by the posters rather than the CvilleIndyMedia.

    The folks who write stories for IndyMedia tend to be the same folks that read it, so it’s sort of an incestuous thing. While a group of people could hypothetically work for a while to fundamentally alter what IndyMedia tends to write about, I’m not sure it’d be worth the effort. :)

  • cornelious says:

    hee hee

  • Lars says:

    Thats the problem with cvillenews, you can’t see all the submissions. Just the ones that get approved.

  • Waldo says:

    Indeed — you have no idea of how many yard sales, babysitting opportunities, and comments-as-story-submissions that you’re missing out on.

  • IamDaMan3 says:

    tell them to go to


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