Pedicab Service Available Downtown

A trio of area businessmen have launched a novel new business — bicycle-based taxi services downtown. They’re going to run the “pedicabs,” as they call them, in Barracks Road, at UVa, and along West Main down to the Mall. Their plan is to recruit off-duty cops and UVa students to lease the pedicabs, who would operate them and keep the profits. It’s $3.50 for a ride from the Downtown Mall to UVa. The bright-orange vehicles will be kept on West Main Street, at the U-Haul center, and will be available on-call. Liz Nelson has the story in today’s Progress.

6 Responses to “Pedicab Service Available Downtown”

  • JizzMasterZero says:

    Nice. It’s good to see Ricksaw Rob get a mention, albeit a brief one. That was still one of the finer stories (or series of stories, actually) of the Dukcevich era.

  • ColinC says:

    Damn. I was hoping someone would start a sedan chair service.

  • Indie says:

    The Dukcevich **era**? As in David Dukcevich? Yes, he will go down in The Daily Progress’s esteemed history as one of the biggest goons of all time…

  • JizzMasterZero says:

    The Dukcevich **era**? As in David Dukcevich?

    No, the other Dukcevich, douche.

    Wait — I know who you are. You’re that sourpussed chick from the radio station, aren’t you? Stephanie? Smile, baby.

    Ah, whatever. I’m sensing jealousy. Dukcevich owns you.

  • Indie says:

    Not quite. But you’re welcome to keep guessing if you like…

  • JizzMasterZero says:

    I’m getting a strong Chris Callahan vibe.

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