There are a lot of changes afoot in Our Fair City, with many long-planned municipal constructions projects going forward and a few new plans. At last week’s Planning Commission meeting, a variety of projects were discussed, including Court Square improvements in April, the renovation of the Trailways bus station, the demolition of New Cabell Hall, a pedestrian bridge over Emmet St., the completion of the (public bathroom-less Recreation Center overhaul, and many other things. Ray Smith, who recently provided a write up a recent hearing regarding planned zoning changes, has provided a run-down of the planned projects; keep reading to read it.
I unknowingly arrived late to this month’s Planning Commission meeting (a person working that night in City Hall had told me the meeting started at 7:30, but it had begun much earlier) to ask the Commission for a few things about the Adult Use section. I had missed the “Matters presented by the public” section, so I just sat in on Jim Tolbert’s Construction Report. (Tolbert is the Director of Neighborhood Development Services.)
I was glad I was late, because there are some major construction happenings planned:
The Planning Commission also decided that their next meeting would be March 11 at 6:30. They wanted a separate date for a public hearing for the zoning ordinance, and chose March 26 at 6:30.
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