Pres. Not Speaking at Monticello

Neither President Bush nor Vice President Cheney will be able to attend the Lewis and Clark bicentennial kickoff at Monticello in January. Monticello’s director of communications (and former managing editor of the Progress) Wayne Mogielnicki says that “high-ranking representatives from the federal government” will be attending. Several area organizations had planned to greet President Bush with protests, so they are presumably now left in the lurch . Kate Andrews has the story in the Daily Progress.

15 Responses to “Pres. Not Speaking at Monticello”

  • Waldo says:

    I wonder if these protests are still going to happen. I gather that the entire idea was to hold them because Bush would be in town, so he would either hear about them or witness them. Holding a protest without a target audience being protested to (or is that protested at?) seems a bit silly.

  • Lars says:

    On a related note, president Bush will not be attending the all night kegger I invited him to.

    I really thought he was going to come! Shucks!

  • Cat says:

    The bicentennial celebration should be much more enjoyable without protesters and Secret Service agents interfering.

  • BushIsAJoke says:

    Does the cowboy dufus even know where Monticello is? Hes hell bent on plunging this country into war and disregard all else…a desparate man who will go the path of his idols Richard Nixon and Lyndon Johnson…hey cowboy your out in 2 years…maybe sooner if someone kills u and Dick Cheney before then….

  • Lars says:

    He’s not THAT stupid. He’s not an idiot, but he’s no genius. He’s "smart enough".

    Now what he’s decided to do with those brains, well, it seems he’s doing the work of others. He couldn’t care less about being president or starting a war. He’s doing what he’s told and in exchange he’ll have the big bucks. He can’t make money in business (oil) so he’s making it in politics, its just a job, dont blame him for his actions, Its like blaming a wal-mart employee for the high prices.

    Its a mistake to blame one person for the actions of the entire republican party, and a small group of good old boys in a secret society. Be an equal opportunity whiner at least!

    And besides, what does it have to do with you? are you an iraqi? Are you in the military? You can keep doing your daily thing regardless.

    Its amazing how anything that happens is blamed on the white house. The economy sucks? I’ve got news for ya, the federal government DOESNT run the economy, WE do.

    CNN is more to blame for the current market situation than all politicians put together. We act like the markets are beasts with a mind of their own. When in reality they are simply the result of OUR actions.

  • BushIsAJoke says:

    "He’s not THAT stupid. He’s not an idiot, but he’s no genius. He’s "smart enough". "

    -First of all, what exactly does"smart enough" mean…is that you want from a person supposed to lead a nation? Is that what u want if you land in the hospital in the hands of doctors? For a nation priding itself all the time on being the best…"smart enough" isnt the best…

    "…its just a job, dont blame him for his actions, Its like blaming a wal-mart employee for the high prices."

    -Dont blame him for his actions?? Hes the president, he enacts legislation into law with the stroke of a pen DUH and this war with iraq…

    -And by the way, Wal-Mart does not have high prices or they wouldnt be around for as long as they have all over the country…Wal-Mart is popular unlike Bush who, also by the way, didnt get elected but SELECTED…why dont you wake up…

    "Its a mistake to blame one person for the actions of the entire republican party, and a small group of good old boys in a secret society. Be an equal opportunity whiner at least!"

    -Since when did I blame the actions of the Republican party…I said I blame GEORGE W BUSH…all things equal he is in the Republican party so there you go…

    "And besides, what does it have to do with you? are you an iraqi? Are you in the military? You can keep doing your daily thing regardless."

    – Im a USA citizen just like you ( I assume?) and I care about my country even in cozy boring C’ville…and what if I was an Iraqi or in the military…why would that matter to you?

    "Its amazing how anything that happens is blamed on the white house. The economy sucks? I’ve got news for ya, the federal government DOESNT run the economy, WE do"

    What the hell does the economy have to do with Bush topic of Monticello…It REALLY amazes me how people like YOU toss in cheap shots like the economy but you dont fool me …

    "CNN is more to blame for the current market situation than all politicians put together. We act like the markets are beasts with a mind of their own. When in reality they are simply the result of OUR actions."

    They simply report the news…they dont tell people what to buy or do you fool…that is a simplistic copeout for the present situation…

    And now Ive got news for ya too..the truth is people see the current state of affairs and theyre just not buying into this Bush market…and neither am I…

  • dkachur says:

    You’re both right, you’re both wrong. Whatever.

    I agree that Bush is a crappy President, however calling for, insinuating or joking about the assassination of anyone is wrong. I’d love to get him out of office too, but I’d prefer another route. Does Monica Lewinsky have a sister? There is another way to get him out of office, and you are already doing it. Be vocal. Make people question his policy. Tell people how Democrats would do it differently… tell people how Democrats would do it better.

    Bush is heading us towards a selfish and unprovoked war. Iraq has shown no signs of aggression towards us, other than a little grumbling. Of course what would you do if you either had to do whatever someone else told you to do or you would be killed?

    It’s true that the economy has much to do with the marketplace, but it’s foolish to believe that corporate scandals and trillion dollar tax cuts have no effect on the economy. Maybe the tax cuts would be justifiable if there were no “war on terror” sucking up massive funds and if they did not heavily favor the wealthy. It may be unfair to blame to President for economic woes, but in the way that it’s the manager who gets fired when his team has a bad season, even if he has bad players, it’s going to be the President who ultimately gets the blame for economic woes.

    The sad thing is that I believe you are right that the President does not actually have much to do with his own policies. I believe that Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld and John Ashcroft are really running this country. It’s great that the President has advisers, but he should remember that his advisers are not who got the votes. Bush was the one who got the votes (intentionally avoiding election scandal references here) so he should be the one to ultimately make the decisions, not some cabinet member.

    BIAJ, I wish that people did see the current state of affairs. It is heartening to see more and more people speaking out about Bush’s policy, especially the administration’s apparent disregard for personal freedom. No matter how good or bad a Presidential administration is, there should always be an opposing voice. It is heartening to see Bush’s approval rating coming down, but there are still quite a few people out there who eat up everything he says.

    “They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.” -Benjamin Franklin

  • dkachur says:

    Sorry about that last post… this should work better.

    You’re both right, you’re both wrong. Whatever.

    I agree that Bush is a crappy President, however calling for, insinuating or joking about the assassination of anyone is wrong. I’d love to get him out of office too, but I’d prefer another route. Does Monica Lewinsky have a sister? There is another way to get him out of office, and you are already doing it. Be vocal. Make people question his policy. Tell people how Democrats would do it differently… tell people how Democrats would do it better.

    Bush is heading us towards a selfish and unprovoked war. Iraq has shown no signs of aggression towards us, other than a little grumbling. Of course what would you do if you either had to do whatever someone else told you to do or you would be killed?

    It’s true that the economy has much to do with the marketplace, but it’s foolish to believe that corporate scandals and trillion dollar tax cuts have no effect on the economy. Maybe the tax cuts would be justifiable if there were no “war on terror” sucking up massive funds and if they did not heavily favor the wealthy. It may be unfair to blame to President for economic woes, but in the way that it’s the manager who gets fired when his team has a bad season, even if he has bad players, it’s going to be the President who ultimately gets the blame for economic woes.

    The sad thing is that I believe you are right that the President does not actually have much to do with his own policies. I believe that Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld and John Ashcroft are really running this country. It’s great that the President has advisers, but he should remember that his advisers are not who got the votes. Bush was the one who got the votes (intentionally avoiding election scandal references here) so he should be the one to ultimately make the decisions, not some cabinet member.

    BIAJ, I wish that people did see the current state of affairs. It is heartening to see more and more people speaking out about Bush’s policy, especially the administration’s apparent disregard for personal freedom. No matter how good or bad a Presidential administration is, there should always be an opposing voice. It is heartening to see Bush’s approval rating coming down, but there are still quite a few people out there who eat up everything he says.

    “They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.” -Benjamin Franklin

  • Lars says:

    "Iraq has shown no signs of aggression towards us, other than a little grumbling."

    Well, I have NO idea why the media refuses to report this, but there is hard evidence that Iraq had advanced knowledge of the 9/11 attacks. They knew when, where, and what before it happened. Now you can assume that if they aren’t behind it, they are at least in cahoots with whomever is. Keep in mind that whenever a terrorist attack happens, about 12 terrorist organizations take credit, just because bin laden accepted responsibility for it doesnt mean he can prove he was responsible. He’s sort of like the college professor, he teaches them, but they go and get jobs from someone else.

    "It’s true that the economy has much to do with the marketplace, but it’s foolish to believe that corporate scandals and trillion dollar tax cuts have no effect on the economy."

    Corporate scandals are not ordered by the EOP. Tax cuts are, but if that money is spent by the federal government (kept as taxes) or spent by rich people, its all spent. It really doesn’t matter how you redirect or dam the river, it will make it to the ocean. Sooner or later. All you can do is slow it down. Interest rates can slow the economy, and tax cuts can dam it up in the bank accounts of people who don’t need to spend it on bills. It’s interesting to note that lowering the federal interest rate doesnt speed the economy up, it just slows it down less. How confusing. On top of that, the EOP doesn’t set interest rates, the federal reserve does.

    "so he should be the one to ultimately make the decisions"

    I disagree, he shouldn’t make decisions, he has his hands full learning how to speak proper english. Ultimately no one can take his power from him, but he knows when to listen to the advice of others. Thus is he "smart enough" to know when someone else is expert on the subject. A total idiot would think he knows better than the hand that feeds him.

    "No matter how good or bad a Presidential administration is, there should always be an opposing voice."

    I agree fully, however, you and I are now on his political enemies list, to be rounded up when he finally pulls the switch and enacts martial law. Nixon had such a list, so dont think there isn’t precident for such actions.

    And if you’re not careful, you may end up on the FBI’s "maybe sorta might be a terrorist" list. Then you’ll end up locked up in a room with bright lights on you 24/7 with no bed. Fun huh? If only your lawyer knew where you were…

  • Lars says:

    *sigh* time for some schoolin’

    It’s ironic that I agree with you, I don’t feel that war with iraq is beneficial, I dont feel that bush is doing a good job with domestic issues, and I also think he’s rathar dim. However, you’re so inarticulate, that everything you said is completely wrong. Even though your heart is in the right place.

    "Since when did I blame the actions of the Republican party…I said I blame GEORGE W BUSH…all things equal he is in the Republican party so there you go…

    Either you didnt read what I wrote, or you dont know how to read, or you are just plain stupid. Read my post again, I accused you of blaming ONE person (dubbya) when you SHOULD HAVE blamed the entire party. Who do you think elected him? Do you think he woke up one day and said to himself "I think I’ll run for president". The party selects these people, then argues amongst themselves as to who to actually put on the ticket. And his "selection" into office is the result of conservative (appointed by his daddy) judges, who are also part of the republican party. And those florida officials? REPUBLICANS. So blame all of them, not just the figurehead they decided to put up for popularity reasons. He’s not the mastermind behind their policy. Just because he pushes the pen across the desk, doesn’t mean the bill he’s signing is his idea. Skull and bones mean anything to you? Connie chung was going to do a piece on it, and CNN pulled it at the last minute after promoting the story in their commercials for over a week. *scratches chin* hmmmm, yeah they’re objective.

    "Im a USA citizen just like you ( I assume?) and I care about my country even in cozy boring C’ville…and what if I was an Iraqi or in the military…why would that matter to you?"

    Ofcourse I am, born and raised. But really, if you didnt see it on the news, you wouldn’t know if we were at war or not. Sure it costs billions of dollars, but the federal government is ALLOWED to run a deficit, so they will continue to spend the same amount on everything else. It doesn’t affect your life in the slightest way. Unless ofcourse you happen to have bombs dropping on your house, or be tasked with dropping said bombs. Explain to me how your life has been changed beyond your control? Can you no longer go and buy a slurpee? Are you deprived of your cable tv or internet or telephone service? How EXACTLY does this hurt you personally?

    In Vietnam, people protested in the streets because the government was drafting their family and friends, only to be shot in a jungle somewhere… thats a different story. Sorry buddy, you’re about 30 years late, stop whining.

    "What the hell does the economy have to do with Bush topic of Monticello…It REALLY amazes me how people like YOU toss in cheap shots like the economy but you dont fool me …"

    What the hell does "bush sucks" have to do with his absence at monticello? In case you haven’t noticed, cvillenews is a platform for us to ***** and moan about whatever strikes our fancy, are you the topic police? ooooh I’m scared. Cuff me.

    "They simply report the news…they dont tell people what to buy or do you fool…that is a simplistic copeout for the present situation…"

    They dont simply report the news, they manufacture entertainment. The news you see every day is the result of PR people feeding "press releases" to the media, who then get a bunch of talking heads together to argue about it and provide a lot of hype and speculation.

    Incase you havent noticed, bush declared war on 7 or 8 countries in his address following 9/11. CNN didnt say a WORD about war with iraq until about a month before the election… coincidence? I think not. They’re the mouth of the AOL/TimeWarner mega-corp. When people hear "war" they stop investing. Whenever you hear a market report, they always speculate that the slide is a result of "concern". Who concerns investors? The media. Its this doom and gloom report.

    Please, CNN sucks, who the hell cares if winona rider stole something? Who actually believes that the US and Iraq are the only two countries on the planet? When was the last time they mentioned bin laden? Perhaps we’re ashamed that we cant catch him or his top people? Hmmmmm…. There are troops in afghanistan, what are they doing? Why wont CNN report it? Hmmmmm I wonder….

    Its the military/industrial/entertainment complex, and its owned by a small handfull of people. They make the news, they make the federal policy, and they make the plastic injection molded crap you spend $19.95 on when the TV tells you to.

    "What should I believe? PLEASE TELL ME CNN!"

    At least FOX admits they are a shameless conservative propaganda machine. I appreciate their honesty.

    CNN used to be cool, remember when they told you what was happening in the world? They used to actually report events rathar than ASK their viewers questions like "Are we near war with iraq?" I dont know, YOU’RE the reporters, you tell me!

    I like the BBC news, and NPR. They actually simply report the news. And they select it based on how important it is to us, and not on its entertainment value.

  • BushIsAJoke says:

    I agree on your comments…further elaboration on your part makes sense on all this now…I also agree on BBC and NPR there are other good news sites out there as well…your both right… I definitly agree that CNN, NBC and other USA news agencies make it more entertainment then news…its a distraction the way I see it, like theyre doing us a favor…why should i care if so and so has the day off and this person is reporting the news tonight? Too much fear mongering they stir up…from health to war to the economy…I look forward to seeing that movie Bowling For Columbine in town…Id say to anyone check out that film…

  • dkachur says:

    “Corporate scandals are not ordered by the EOP.”

    My linking corporate scandals in with tax cuts as something influenced by the current administration was partially a political comment. When Kenneth Lay is a big-time contributor to the Bush campaign and is a frequent visitor to the White House, I don’t believe that favors aren’t being re-paid. The Rigas’, Scott Sullivan, they’re all being arrested. Kenneth Lay? Nope.

    “I disagree, he shouldn’t make decisions, he has his hands full learning how to speak proper english. ”

    Which pretty much proves my point.

    “I agree fully, however, you and I are now on his political enemies list, to be rounded up when he finally pulls the switch and enacts martial law. Nixon had such a list, so dont think there isn’t precident for such actions. ”

    I’m now on it? I’ve been on it quite a while now.

    Enlighten me on Nixon’s list. I don’t doubt it happened, but I also don’t believe it would ever get out in the open if it did. Interesting… Who do you work for, anyway?

  • dkachur says:

    "And those florida officials?"

    I saw a bumper sticker today: "The election isn’t over until your brother counts the votes."

    Now they’re saying it’s a foregone conclusion that Jeb Bush will run in 2008.

    "Sure it costs billions of dollars, but the federal government is ALLOWED to run a deficit, so they will continue to spend the same amount on everything else. It doesn’t affect your life in the slightest way."

    Oh, but it does. Or at least in theory. When 60 cents out of my tax dollar goes towards that deficit, as I think was the total last time we were deficit spending, then that’s 60 cents that’s not going to schools, roads, etc.

    "Unless ofcourse you happen to have bombs dropping on your house, or be tasked with dropping said bombs."

    I have friends who are army reserves. When they go off to Afghanistan or Iraq or wherever, I’m going to worry about them.

    "Can you no longer go and buy a slurpee?"

    And why would I want to do that? I don’t think I’ve set foot in a 7-11 for at least 2 years.

    "They dont simply report the news, they manufacture entertainment."

    That’s why I think that the media is the greatest watchdog that we have in our society. It’s not perfect, but if the media finds out something interesting is going on, they’re gonna report it.

    "Please, CNN sucks, who the hell cares if winona rider stole something? Who actually believes that the US and Iraq are the only two countries on the planet? When was the last time they mentioned bin laden? Perhaps we’re ashamed that we cant catch him or his top people? Hmmmmm…. There are troops in afghanistan, what are they doing? Why wont CNN report it? Hmmmmm I wonder…. "

    I’ve thought the same things. I agree that NPR and the BBC are better, but I don’t think CNN is as valueless as you make it sound. I watch CNN all the time, but I don’t take it at face value.

    "I like the BBC news, and NPR. They actually simply report the news. And they select it based on how important it is to us, and not on its entertainment value. "

    I love NPR because they not only tell you what is going on, but they go more in depth than CNN or NBC (which sucks, but I watch it anyway, if only because that’s what’s on after Law & Order… of course I get DirecTV, so I don’t have to deal with Channel 29). I also like how NPR does features on all sorts of different things.

    Funny how I only listen to radio stations that have no commercials :-)

  • Lars says:

    I work for umm… hold on, I know this… damn, well it’ll come to me.

    On June 27, 1973, Nixon’s advisor John Dean was testifying before Congress about the President and his "activities" and confirmed the existence of the enemies list. The enemies list was part of a plan to "use the available federal machinery to screw our political enemies," as Dean explained it. The list included mainly representatives of the media, civil rights or citizens group activists, labor leaders, celebrities, academics, businessmen, and antiwar leaders. There were only ten U.S. senators on the list, and, aside from the black members of the House only six representatives. They used the IRS and other agencies to gather personal information about said "enemies". They even went so far as to order wiretaps on some of them.

  • Hoo2LA says:


    I don’t think that I can be any clearer about this:

    I am the topic police. Please stop these thinly-veiled attempts to dilute my powers.

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