City Cleans House on School Board

Belle writes: WINA is reporting that City Council has made ‘a clean sweep’ of incumbent School Board members who sought reappointment. The new members are: Peggy Van Yahres, Michael Heard, and William Igbani. The news report suggests the ‘sweep’ was a result of Council’s unhappiness with the Board’s failed superintendent search.

4 Responses to “City Cleans House on School Board”

  • Anonymous says:

    Funny… there is no attribution to WINA’s last comment about the reason for the clean sweep, ie. because of the failed superintendent search. While it might be true, it would be nice (and more accurate I might add) if whoever produced the story at WINA might attribute that reason directly to someone, instead of speculating as to the reason for the clean sweep.

  • Anonymous says:

    I am sure that they are only repeating what has been said off the record for weeks. I am suprised that Rev Edwards missed out as well, could it be punishment for his behavior during the cville high beatings fiasco?

  • Belle says:

    Anonymous writes: “Funny… there is no attribution to WINA’s last comment about the reason for the clean sweep, ie. because of the failed superintendent search. While it might be true, it would be nice (and more accurate I might add) if whoever produced the story at WINA might attribute that reason directly to someone, instead of speculating as to the reason for the clean sweep.

    Perhaps departing School Board member John Santoski was the source; the updated version of the WINA story paraphrases his comments on incumbents being burdened by their failed superintendent search.

  • Belle says:

    Or perhaps it was Toscano talking to WINA.

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