Basketball Arena Design Approved

fiveh writes: The Buildings & Grounds [Committee] of the BOV approved the design schematics for the new basketball arena in their meeting today. Looks like it will be a 15,000-seat horseshoe design, and it will be located across the street from U-Hall. Of course, all this was really decided months ago. Target completion date for the arena, parking garages (the embattled Ivy Road garage, plus an additional two on the site), and 29/250 Bypass connector road is May 2006.

9 Responses to “Basketball Arena Design Approved”

  • Lafe says:

    And it will have parking for 1,200!

    (according to 3WV this morning)

    At least I can take the bus.

  • Anonymous says:

    I’ve found that a good rule of thumb is to take whatever 3WV says and believe the opposite. According to the release, there will be 600 surface spaces and a 900-car garage contiguous to the arena. Additionally, there will be the “1200-car Monster” and all the parking next to the current U-Hall. Nobody is quite sure yet what will become of the old clam. But I count at least 3,000 spaces on-site right there, and I’m sure there will be more than that.

  • Waldo says:

    I’ve found that a good rule of thumb is to take whatever 3WV says and believe the opposite.

    Yes, there will be -1200 parking spaces.


  • Big_Al says:

    That’s right – UVA’s Physics Dapartment, in a little-known soon-to-be controversial initiative, has designed the world’s first Black Hole Parking Complex.

    No more parking problems! We’re gonng need a lot more yellow bikes, though.

  • Anonymous says:

    Area residents are ecstatic with this new turn. “They always acted like they existed in a vacuum over there at UVa,” said one resident. “Now they really do.”

  • Anonymous says:

    This will allow concerts that pass us by to now make a showing- conventions, circus, and events of this type. Though not ice shows- I doubt that an ice rink will be included. It’s time for this to be built. The parking problem will be help by the new connector, which will divert alot of traffic from the Alderman area. The University is the 800 pound gorilla but the good effects seem never to be talked about. Get in serious accident-where to you want to go. World class medicine doesn’t happen by chance. And the last point-Was there an arena there when you move in, did you never think it might get bigger?

  • Anonymous says:

    “I just wish they could build the thing in another part of town,” chimed in another. “I worry about small children being sucked in by the immense gravitational pull of the black hole. Maybe if they build two or three smaller black holes a few miles away it would be better. Environmentally speaking. For the children.”

  • Big_Al says:

    You seem to be defending a position that hasn’t been challenged in this thread.

  • mom133d says:

    “Please, won’t someone think of the children?!”

    -Mrs. Lovejoy

    I have to admit that I haven’t read the article yet but I am willing to believe that the number of spaces is “on site”. Next to the arena and not the concrete jungle. Sorry if I missed someone else’s point.

    This will probably be where students are allowed to park as well. When I lived in Lambeth, if that lot was full, I had to park in the U-Hall lot. That was fun after getting off from work and crossing Emmett in slick dress shoes after a sudden winter storm.

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