Darrell Rice not Spotsylvania Co. child killer

Belle writes: DNA sampling taken from Darrell David Rice [shown here in a photo from The Hook], the man charged in the 1996 slayings of two women in Shenandoah National Park, does not match evidence in the unsolved slayings of three Spotsylvania County girls. Kiran Krishnamurthy has the story in today’s Times-Dispatch.

3 Responses to “Darrell Rice not Spotsylvania Co. child killer”

  • Waldo says:

    I’ve gotta publicly thank Belle for the two writeups. I’m spending the day studying for my French exam this evening, and I’ve got no time for cvillenews.com (or anything else) today. Thanks for taking care of things, Belle.

  • Belle says:

    De rien. And thanks to you for building and operating this interesting site.

  • Belle says:

    Now that Rice has been excluded for the Spotsylvania murders, I wonder if (and if so, how so) Rice has been excluded for the Alicia Reynolds Showalter murder. Does anyone here know?

    Do I remember correctly that investigators recovered some DNA and fingerprints — all of imperfect quality — from crime scenes associated with her abduction and murder?

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