C’ville Featured in InStyle Magazine

writes: Charlottesville is featured in this month’s issue of InStyle Magazine, whose circulation nationally is 1.6 million. They focus on such local favorite hangouts as the Blue Light Grill, Spudnuts, the Mudhouse, and Fridays After Five. UVA, Monticello, and downtown mall shops are also highlighted. Of course, InStyle couldn’t have gotten away without mentioning the DMB. The feature starts on page 417 in the May 2002 issue with actress Sela Ward on the cover…

See the three blurry shadowy people in the photo of Fleurie? One of those is me. :)

14 Responses to “C’ville Featured in InStyle Magazine”

  • Anonymous says:

    And Charlottesville lurches a couple of steps closer to it’s destiny – a postapocalyptic wasteland Disneyworld for baby boomer zombies who refuse to die or have any goddamn taste whatsoever.

    This town needs an enema.

  • Waldo says:

    I haven’t read the piece yet, but from what I’ve seen of InStyle (and from what I’ve heard about the places that they went to do the photo shoots), they like to take a town and pretend that it’s New York City. (Or, worse, attempt to prove that the residents of the town are laboring under the illusion that they live in New York City.) I’m not aware of many people that think that Charlottesville is New York (or that want it to be), so be sure take the article with a grain of salt.

  • Anonymous says:

    And Charlottesville lurches a couple of steps closer to it’s destiny – a postapocalyptic wasteland Disneyworld for baby boomer zombies who refuse to die or have any goddamn taste whatsoever.

    Cville’s destiny is to be just like the rest of pseudo-cosmopolitan America. An air-condititoned, lipo-sucked nightmare.

    I’m in wholehearted agreement, IOW.

  • Anonymous says:

    An air-condititoned, lipo-sucked nightmare.

    Goddang that confarned new-fangled air-conditioning! I SAID it would be the downfall of this city!

  • Anonymous says:

    “And Charlottesville lurches a couple of steps closer to it’s destiny – a postapocalyptic wasteland Disneyworld for baby boomer zombies who refuse to die or have any goddamn taste whatsoever.

    This town needs an enema.”

    -Well, my goodness…. SOMEbody needs a big ol’ hug!

  • Anonymous says:

    Yes but if it gets one will you still be here? Or will pseudo-intellectual poser full of social angst be flush away with the yuppies. And what does this leave us-“New Staunton”!

  • Anonymous says:

    Or better yet just read the article and return it to the rack.

  • Anonymous says:

    Any grocery store…

  • Anonymous says:

    Note: See the three blurry shadowy people in the photo of Fleurie? One of those is me. :)

    Waldo, we could’ve assumed something like that without even seeing the article.

  • Anonymous says:

    I’m not aware of many people that think that Charlottesville is New York (or that want it to be), so be sure take the article with a grain of salt.

    Ahh, Dave…thanks for making me smile today. Are you living outside the area now? Or are you just not paying attention?

  • Anonymous says:

    You’ve obviously never been to Staunton, Mr. Score 1. It’s just about as bad as Charlottesville. We have ugly wire men and they have a giant goddamn flower pot. But at least they’re not overrun with wine stores and self-important New Yorkers.

  • Anonymous says:

    I have been to Staunton and bad public art is evident. But it has few good resturants and very affordable housing near downtown. It’s art scence is very small. They do have a coffe house with good art.

    How can you be overrun with wine stores? If they don’t sell enough wine they go out of business- NEWS FLASH- c-ville is WINE country.

    I give you the New Yorkers, they are all to damn liberal anyway.

  • Anonymous says:

    InStyle, an AOL-Time-Warner publication…

  • Big_Al says:

    Live here without AC at your own peril. Not me!

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