Jefferson Theater Raises Prices

krues8dr writes: I just received this week’s Jefferson Theater movie listings, and at the top of the email was the following notice:

“Important notice: after nine and a half years of offering movies at two

bucks, the Jefferson is raising its price this Friday to $2.99. For those

who just can’t imagine paying more than the old price, please visit the

Jefferson on ‘Two-dollar Tuesdays.'”

Whoa. It never occurred to me that it would ever cost anything but $2. I hope they intend to keep a lot of pennies on hand.

7 Responses to “Jefferson Theater Raises Prices”

  • Munk says:

    I talked to the pretty ticket girl over there and she said they’re just gonna keep a jar of pennies on the counter; we agreed that pretty much no one’s going to take them anyway, so the price is, indeed, three bucks.

    Then again, Regal has gone from $5.25 to more than $7 in two years, so three bucks still seems cheap.

  • Krues8dr says:

    This is still definately better than the Regal or Carmike. Who really wants to spend $25 to go to the movies? (That’s for two tickets, popcorn, drinks, and candy.) I think it’s great that the Jeff still has prices comparable to *renting* a movie.

  • Jack says:

    Is anyone really falling for the whole ‘$2.99- wow that’s less than $3’ thing?

    I have so much more respect for prices that are whole numbers rather than ending in .99 I mean, who do they think that they’re fooling?

    I wish they’d just call it $3.


  • Anonymous says:

    The only thing worse than the whole “$2.99-wow that’s less than $3” thing is the recent affectation of certain local restaurants for showing menu items without the dollar sign before the price. So, we see something like “Organic arugula with golden beet tenderloins drizzled with Tuscan olive oil – 5”

    5? 5 what? 5 euros? 5 pennies? 5 rabbit skins?

    Oh, 5 dollars? Too bad we didn’t have a short symbol to identify dollars? Something like “$” I guess that isn’t cutting edge enough for the local trendy eateries?

    Is this a rant? You bet.

  • Anonymous says:

    Yeah. When they give you the check, hand them a big, plastic ‘5.’ Like on Sesame Street, when they would have seedy dealings down by the dock to purchase an ‘N.’

  • Munk says:

    who do they think that they’re fooling?

    Perhaps, thery’re being ironic, poking fun at the whole Walmart $*.94 nonsense by offering a fraction of a percent rebate disguised as a discount all the while making the folk shelling out an extra buck every time feel like they’re in on the joke aimed at consumerism rather than seeing that they just got the business end of a 50% price spike.

  • Contact: Hawes Spencer, 804-960-9343

    Jefferson Theater Corp.

    CHARLOTTESVILLE– After nine and a half years of entertaining Charlottesvillians for $2 a pop, the Jefferson’s current administration is cranking up the admission price. Starting this Friday, August 24, tickets will shoot into the stratospheric $3 range. Well, almost. As a special cheesy touch of Americana, they’ll actually be priced at $2.99.

    Some customers will likely greet the news with shock, dismay, and sadness. For them, we have this little piece of advice:

    “Two-dollar Tuesdays”

    Yes, every Tuesday, we’ll roll back the hands of time to the nostalgic days of the year 2000 when tickets were 99 cents cheaper. Yippee-skippee.

    The Jefferson, built in 1912, is the oldest theater in Charlottesville. It was designed for both vaudeville performances and silent movies. Notable performers over the years include Harry Houdini, the Three Stooges, Dave Matthews, and Terri Allard.

    It was twinned in 1983 when operating under the name The Movie Palace. The current owner bought the building on the courthouse steps during a 1992 foreclosure auction.

    All outrageous profits from the price increase will be pumped into the “ladies room renovation fund.” First order of business: hot water.


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