Henley Goes to Yogaville

Local civil liberties organization The Rutherford Institute has suggested to the county school system that Henley Middle School stop taking field trips to Yogaville. Rutherford apparently believes that the visits were a violation of the separation of church and state. School Board member Gary Grant sent out news of this in his May 11th Constituent Report.

1 Response to “Henley Goes to Yogaville”

  • Anonymous says:

    The Middle School students should not be taking “comparative religion” classes at a place which is essentially a religious cult masquerading as a harmless yoga school. The fact that no students were proselytized during one trip is hardly reassuring. Many others have been proselytized and harassed/threatened by this organization. I would urge the instructors and principal of the school to take note of the warnings and other information provided by previous Yogaville members at http://www.rickross.com/groups/yogaville.html before making anymore daytrips to such a place.

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